Wholesale - Discount Codes

If you have any questions, comments, or need any help regarding wholesale pens or timepieces, please contact us using this form or emailing us at sales@xezo.com.

Please remember to enter the discount code at checkout for the rates to apply.
Purchase Amount Discount Discount Code
Under $500 25% off WSB00N25
$   500 - $999.99 33% off WSB05N33
$1000 - $1999.99 41% off WSB10N41
$2000 - $2999.99 45% off WSB20N45
$3000 - $3999.99 49% off WSB30N49
$4000 or more 53% off WSB40N53

Our current wholesale pens and timepieces discount tier rates are as follows.

Please remember to enter the discount code at checkout for the rates to apply.

wholesale pens